Problem-solving is essential for tackling the challenges of changing business environments and to drive innovation. Raven’s Advanced Progressive Matrices (APM-III) is a non-verbal assessment that measures fluid reasoning, the ability to think clearly and solve new, complex problems.
Raven’s APM-III evaluates lateral thinking, observational skills and how quickly individuals can grasp new concepts. Low cultural loading tests, such as Raven’s are suitable for all industry sectors, and are applicable for supervisory, managerial, technical and executive roles.
Using Raven’s Advanced Progressive Matrices provides businesses with an unbiased measure of cognitive potential.
Raven’s APM-III helps identify candidates who will excel in dynamic environments. It focuses on mental agility and intellectual efficiency. This tool predicts the ability to adapt, innovate and solve problems, which is essential for leadership roles.
Benefits of using Raven’s Advanced Progressive Matrices (APM-III):
You gain a simplified visual representation of a candidate’s cognitive abilities
It provides you with detailed insight into a candidate’s problem-solving and their ability to analyse information on the job
It allows you to make more effective talent decision by using test results to complement other evaluation methods
Hogan’s suite of assessments will help you identify which candidates will perform well in fast-paced environments. Using assessments like Raven’s APM-III will help you to streamline your recruitment and selection process and identify possible leadership progression.